Easy Happy Nest
Discover all the places in the San Francisco Bay Area for your kids
Destination Sitters

We are the trusted hotel babysitting and event childcare service used by over 600+ of the finest California hotels, convention centers, wedding and event planners.


  • Monday-Sunday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm


Destination Sitters is the premier hotel babysitting and event childcare referral service in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco, Silicon Valley/San Jose, Santa Barbara and the Palm Springs area for hotels and other destinations. Since there are no state standards for temporary childcare, Destination Sitters has established our own high standards (see below). Our babysitters are highly experienced, carefully screened, fully background- and health-checked and are certified in CPR and First Aid. Simply call or book a reservation on-line and we will work to match a babysitter with your child’s needs.

All of the babysitters we send to hotel properties or other destinations (conventions, weddings, country clubs, etc.) are referrals, easily recognizable in their uniforms and photo ID tags, arriving (at least 15 minutes early) with age-appropriate toys, games, activities and books!

Destination Sitters, LLC carries liability insurance and serves over 600 of the finest hotels, convention centers, wedding and event planners and others.