Easy Happy Nest
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Bodology Fitness

Online pre/postnatal fitness course and in-Person pre/postnatal fitness classes



Online pre/postnatal fitness course
All of my knowledge and experience is combined into a collection of online videos that will first focus on optimizing pelvic floor and core health, then progress to full body exercises, while utilizing proper core support. We go through three stages of core stability, with how-to videos, core specific workouts and full-body workouts in each phase.
Step One, is setting up a consultation with Katie. From there, she customizes a workout plan for you, based on your level and time commitment. Katie will check-in with you weekly for accountability and modifications, leading you to a stronger you!

In-Person pre/postnatal fitness classes
Our MomBod classes are designed for pregnant and postpartum moms at any stage of their motherhood journey. Our focus is on mindset, pelvic floor health, core stability, strength and conditioning and creating community. The goal is to prepare and/or rehab for birth. Class is appropriate for all fitness levels, and is limited to 6 people per class. Babies are welcome!