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Yvette Fawzi

Improving movement awareness, women’s health and well-being.



Yvette Fawzi Feldenkrais® and Physical Therapy is a private practice that focuses on improving movement awareness, women’s health and overall well being. Yvette has practiced physical therapy since 1993 and Feldenkrais® since 2005.

Yvette follows a holistic approach to the body using a blend of Feldenkrais®, physical therapy and osteopathic techniques such as fascial counterstrain, visceral manipulation, and craniosacral therapy. Combined with an intuitive sense, her skilled hands are then able to “listen to the body” and treat each person based on their needs.

An ideal therapist for any chronic pain or movement problem, Yvette particularly enjoys working with postpartum women and issues around pelvic pain and dysfunction. The goal is restoring these women to a state of general wellness. She has helped many clients in their journey to feeling their best.