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City Of El Cerrito - Fairmont

Before and After school program for the Elementary School students.



School Aged Child Care Program Goals
To plan and implement a program to meet the demand for state licensed before and after school childcare services in the community. To establish, where feasible, school-age childcare facilities to serve each of the three WCCUSD Elementary Schools in the City of El Cerrito.

School Aged Programs
Exciting organized recreational activities and enrichments, which are held throughout the day, are provided by licensed and trained staff. Scheduled time is set aside for homework. If children do not have homework they are encouraged to bring a book from home or to borrow one of ours for this quiet time of the day. All children are provided an afternoon snack. During all activities, a ratio of 1 teacher to every 14 children is maintained. The childcare programs provide a safe, challenging and creative alternative to going home alone.