Easy Happy Nest
Discover all the places in the San Francisco Bay Area for your kids
CARE for the Bay Area

Center for Assisted Reprodcution and Endocrinology


  • 555 Knowles Drive Suite 212
    Los Gatos, CA 95032
  • (408) 628-0783
  • care4ba.com


At C.A.R.E. for the Bay Area, our mission is to provide families with personalized care from an experienced and compassionate team of medical professionals. We care deeply about our patients and their families, and we understand the physical and emotional toll that comes with infertility. We are committed to helping our patients reach their dreams of having a healthy family.
Our Services:
- Intrauterine Insemination IUI
- In Vitro Fertilization IVF
- Gestational Surrogacy
- Egg Donation
- Genetic Screening PGT
- Modern Families

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