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BrightStar Christian Academy

Christian preschool for children ages 2 to 5 years old.



Welcome to BrightStar Christian Academy where our love for God and for children is preeminent. We are delighted to be presenting our quality Preschool and Afterschool programs to serve your children.

BCA Afterschool Mission:
Present Jesus’ saving plan and Holy Spirit’s transformative work ; helping the young to grow in their relationship with Christ
Offer tutoring and coaching to help students excel in their schoolwork.
Provide cultural enrichment classes in art, language and music, passing on the rich heritage of Ancient Civilizations to the next generation
Provide a healthy and safe environment
Valuing and cultivating relationships, recognizing everyone’s value to God
Cultivate unity among our Assyrian community; pursuing oneness in Spirit through humility and selflessness as Christ modeled for us

BCA Preschool Mission:
Introduce God’s plan and the love of Jesus for the children, encouraging His values and character into their lives
Recognize formative years of children are an important window of opportunity to teach and equip them for life
Provide developmentally appropriate curriculum and emergent activities that encompass the spiritual, social, emotional, cognitive, and creative domains, engaging the whole child in learning
Provide a balanced combination of self –directed and teacher-directed experiences , recognizing that young children learn fundamentally different than older children, and that play constitutes a deeper form of learning
Provide learning experiences for children to develop confidence and self-esteem as they learn of God’s unique gifting and plan for their life