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Triad Family Services

Foster care and adoption


  • Serving the Bay Area
    7901 Oakport St. Suite 4500
    Oakland, CA 94621
  • (510) 351-3665
  • www.triadfs.org


Triad Family Services enjoys collaborative relationships with both County and State agencies. Counties have set measurable standards for foster family agencies, and Triad has consistently met and exceeded these standards. Triad staff have developed positive relationships with County placement workers to maximize placement opportunities. Triad also employs two “placement specialists” to ensure appropriate matches are made between children and families on a 24 hour basis.

Working with Families

To ensure stabilization of each child’s placement, Triad works closely with families to address the challenges inherent in fostering a troubled child. This is accomplished by matching foster children with compatible foster parents, streamlining foster care placement, providing intensive social work and care management services, accessing group and family counseling for foster children and foster families, and effectively training foster parents to provide specialized therapeutic foster care. It is the agency’s primary responsibility to give children in foster care the greatest chance at healthy development by providing caregivers with the resources they need to play a healing role in the lives of the children in their care.